Wednesday, December 08, 2004

A Few New Links And Features

I know the observant will have already noticed but a new feature has been added to the site, the world of the under and over rated. Any suggestions? Also A few films I have seen of late have been added; Destry Rides Again and You Can't Take It With You. Both of which I saw on cable. The former is a Western that amazed me. Jimmy Stewart (not usually a favorite of mine) plays a gunless sheriff out West that battles local gunslingers and gansters with his wit and guile. He interacts with Marlene Dietrich (also not one of my favorites) who is the brains and sometimes braun, there's an amazing chick fight, of the local saloon. Incredibly well written and acted and funny!
The other film I had heard of but never have had the pleasure. Jimmy Stewart, again, falls in love with Lionel Barrymore's daughter who live with a motley crew of free spirits who battle with a banker and the cops. This is certainly one of Capra's best.
Been to the Work Less Institute?


Scott W. said...

Overrated: Noam Chomsky

Can Michael Moore be both under- and over- rated? Depending on who you talk to...

Under-rated: From Minneapolis, I give you the Honeydogs!
Their album 10,000 years is as good as any I've heard in the last, well, not 10,000 years, maybe five. Maybe ten.

Fons said...

I like Chomsky because he believes in something and isn't afraid to take on issues that will piss people off; Zionism, Vietnam, corporate control of our society. I must agree in some sense of his over-rating, here's why, 1) most people have no idea what he is talking about, he's a little wordy. 2) He has a pattern of trying to turn every issue on its end, in other words, the convential wisdom is entirly wrong on every issue, I mean entirely wrong. I agree with him most of the time but in a way it seems to be a parlor trick at times when he discards ENTIRELY things like the information we get from the mainstream media. I understand his argument about the media before the defenders come at me. But just keep it mind next time you read NC.
Michael Moore gets a left wing, anti-corporate, anti-imperialist message out to millions of people that never would have picked up Counterpunch or The Nation or the NY Times for that matter. In this sense he's the best we have. In another he's awful because he is somewhat inconsistent-WHAT THE HELL WAS HE THINKING WHEN HE ENDORSED WES CLARKE!