Monday, December 27, 2004

Scalia On Orgies: They're Good!

Scalia on orgies.


Rafael said...

a few intellectual inquiries:

Yo, I hate to correct your grammar man but you should have written "they're" not "their". Who is more real Mr.Fons, the the grizzly large dude who stuffs himself down the chimney we don't have or baby Jesus (whose grown body we like to chew on on Sundays)? Yeah, I can't decide either. Would Scalia then approve of orgy birthchildren?

Ever read any Rawls or Smolin?

Fons said...

I did catch the grammatical error today and cringed. Rawls yes, Smolin, no.

Fons said...

Baby Jesus or Santa? They are both big business and are unfortunately very real. Simply put, one serving the interests of mysticism the other capital.