Thursday, February 10, 2005

Bush Conservative?

A line of reasoning that hopefully has come across on this site is the very un conservative nature of the Bush program. Reagan too, I might add. Military adventurism, government involvement in all aspects of peoples lives and incredibly excessive spending. The latest outrage on the spending front are the new numbers for the prescription drug bill. The Times article and editorial on this moondogle are good sources for evidence for the outright lying that goes on by this administration with barely a peep from so called conservatives.

I personally advocated a government run health care system. A system that would be far more efficient and cost effective than the current system in which 60 million go without insurance and we, on the whole, live shorter lives and pay more.

The bill in principle does a laudable thing, it tries to cover prescription drugs for seniors. The problem with this is that pharmaceutical companies can charge just about anything they want for their highly marketed miracle cures and the tax payer is now going to fit the bill. If there ever was a welfare program this is it. Corporate welfare that is.


Scott W. said...

No argument with your points. Just curious, where do you get the 60 million figure? I've been using the 40 million number.
(10 million here, 10 million there, and pretty soon you have a real problem...)

Fons said...

I'm glad someone is keeping me on my toes. The 60 million figue comes form the Congressional Budget Office in 2003. I'm not sure how to post a link in comments so here is the link,