Monday, February 14, 2005


We ran out of room for the discussion on the Democrats and the media/war/strategy/Rush, etc... I wrote a comment to the last F Stone comment. Go to February 1, 2005 in the archives if you want to read the response.


1 comment:

Scott W. said...

Yep, saw it.
I think our discussion proves that your approach does not really fit in conspiracy theory territory. I still balk at terms like "War Monger" to describe Kerry, etc. But on the whole, I find plenty that makes sense in what you write.
But just as "conspiracy theroy" is a gross oversimplification of your approach, I continue to see "mouthpiece for the Democratic Party" as a misrepresentation of what the NYTimes and WaPo do. Not that I want to deify them by any means, but they are independent institutions that have a different mission than that of a partisan media outlet.