Thursday, April 07, 2005

Eduard Shevardnadze Impoverished, Can't Pay His Bills, Booh Fucking Hoo!

Former dismantler of equality and dictator of Georgia can't pay his electricity bill. Well maybe there is some justice in the world! Now maybe he is getting a taste of the disaster for much of humanity that is the former Soviet Union and other socialist countries of eastern Europe. Pensioners eating from garbage dumps, declining life expectancy, lack of employment and education for most, rampant inequality, war, general social malaise as the former states are transformed into bastions of criminality and cleptocracy. I think the NY Times missed this part of "freedom on the march."

Here's a "balanced" report from UNICEF on the social indicators from 1989 to 1999.

1 comment:

Fons said...

This is why I put quotes on the balance of this report. UNICEF has a contituency to answer to, corrupt plutocrats, they need to balance the idea that lots of people are dying young, getting sick, not getting an education, etc... because neo-liberalism is all the rage. Historically speaking we will see this for what it is, a human catastrophe!