Actual BBC headline "US Vietnam Intelligence Flawed." This is the infamous Vietnamese "attack" on the United States in the Gulf of Tonkin which led to a blank check for the war. An incident every high schooler knows was cooked to sell the war. On the whole now many more people see through the bull. This is a good thing.
Vietnam is Wietnam, not Iraq...
Sadaam had how many months before we came? He would've moved any WMD's.
We found chemical labs and sarin gas in the invasion. For example, we found 40 vials of sarin gas in Faluujah. You're well informed, so you probably heard something about that. I'd provide a link, but all of mine have expired. The only others I can find are blogs. Gases like that count as WMD's. And of course you know how Sadaam gassed the Kurds. 182,000 killed or more I think. I'd have to double check that number
Extensive torture was going on under Sadaam's regime of innocents being the main part. (feeding people into wood chippers, holding one's arms behind their back from the ceiling to dislocate their shoulders, putting somebody in a room of all red, feeding them only red, only giving them red everything for years, and much more.) I know that the US tortures, but I find that to be justified. I mean, c'mon! How is putting somebody into a chilled room with rap music blaring torture? ANd those black sites? I hate how that was even brought to the media. They're necessary for the whole fighting fire with fire aspect of defense. If we ever did start to lose in Iraq for real, it will be the media's fault.
stupid typos...
maybe more...
Sometimes, I'm persnickety about my typos... like right now...
The point of the post is that intellegence is used for political ends. JFK, LBJ and Nixon and many other forces on the planet wanted to defeat the communist/nationalist forces all over the world and were willing to kill millions to that end. In Southeast Asia the French US first said you can have elections and then when they knew Ho Chi Minh would win these elections they said we won't take part. Creating "South Vietnam" was the fall back position and the phony Gulf of Tonkin incident was used to wage full scale war on the unification/communist/nationalist forces there.
In Iraq the US knew that Iraq was a very weak place because the US and others had destroyed the Iraqi Army, Navy and Air Force in the first Iraq war and with bombing raids throught the 1990's. Some in the US and other imperialist countries, namely Britain and Israel, still wanted to eliminate Saddam's regime however because he no longer suited their interests as he did in the late 70's and 80's when he acted as a check on Iran, the Kurds and the communist oil workers union which he killed by the hundreds of thousands, mainly Iranians in the Iran-Iraq war.
They could care less about torture or WMD's at that point because he was on their side, hell they helped him get lots of his WMD's particularly after the Iranian revolution. They only brought up arguments of torture and weapons when he stepped out of line by invading Kuwait.
There have been and are lots of regimes with WMD's and who use torture as common practice but the US does not make a big deal of these things if the US is getting what they want from them, say Israel or Saudi Arabia or China.
The Bushies used 9/11 as a pretext and exaggerated the strength of the regime. Most even in the CIA new that this was the case and have said as much.
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