Thursday, December 01, 2005


Obama waxes DLC on the war in Iraq.

1 comment:

Rafael said...

I'm sure Wal-Mart has come up in class by now also. Here is a ridiculous, yet non-fabricated article on the divinity of the largest supercenter in the frickin' world:

I hate utilitarianism and Wal-Mart acts allegedly in favor of the families who want cheaper groceries, are very utilitarian. an umcomplex yet serious meditation on personal liberties illuminates why the employee's personal liberties are being undermined with minimmum wage, no unions, no benefits or plausible retirement. We look to see that the worst-off individual in a society be as well off as possible given an equal willingess to try. This the finest argument treating individuals as not only means as utilitarianism does, but as ends (free of exploitation).

It will be interesting to see how Chinese-made goods in Wal-Marts will be affected by the increasingly paranoid US government. I'm sure many of the people the US is training in Iraq will turn out to be like Osama; trained by the US, and later spectacularly hostile. Not to mention the angered Iraqis who are seeing there country torn to pieces.

the business of america, as your poster says, is business.
