Wednesday, December 14, 2005

You Know Your In Trouble When....

you pander to the right with holocaust denial!

I have some trepidation even doing this but obviously it is necessary if a head of state is spouting such nonsense, what was the final solution?


Anonymous said...

It was only a matter of time before these guys dropped their anti-Zionist rhetoric and revealed their true jew-hating agenda. I'm sure their commitment to the Palestinian cause is deep, but not as deep as their hatred of Jews and their subscription to the oldest lies in the world. This is just a newish one that fits their model nicely. The news from Iran is horrifying, but not surprising.

Fons said...

I guess I would not be so categorical. I don't subscribe to the anti-Zionist=anti-Semitic school. Zionism roots come out of Europe's darkest hour of bogited nationalism and the founders of the concept, in its 19th and 20th form, were fans and advocates of the worst kind of sectarian chauvinism. They also had a colonialist bent when it came to the "natives" re the Palestinians with the crudest apologists, like Golda Meir, even denying their existence.
Events on the ground have made this debate moot however as Palestinians are breading as fast as Catholics and Israeli's are owners of the bomb. This being the case the local Arab community, including the PLO, have accepted a two state solution and the sooner the US and Israel accept this the better.

Trotsky and Chomsky, not exactly self-hating Jews were/are anti-Zionist.
