An amazing story here on the use of technology and the resistance in Iraq. Frontline recently showed bits of these videos and they are extremely powerful and horrifying. Worth the listen.
By the way the use of the word "Jihadi" is widely used in this report. Do you think it is an Islamophobic or racist term?
FYI Chris, al Qaeda/radical Salifists refer to themselves as Jihadists and do not view the term as an insult. I've read a great deal of the Arabic writings of their's (in books and online fourms) and the use is prevalent.
I think they (radical Islamists) use it all the time. It's just that I got a lot of heat from my article claiming that I was a raving racist.
I think you got heat because, well, maybe you weren't really, but it seemed like you were equating the thousands of ordinary muslims who were offended by the cartoons and who maybe even protested the cartoons, with those muslims who blow up airplanes, buildings, themselves, etc...
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