During the march against the latest round of nativist legislation coming out of Washington last Thursday a friend of mine was criticizing the march route and a few of the slogans. My refrain throughout the march to him was, join the steering committee, today we need to celebrate all of the great organizing that made this possible and enjoy the event, the critque can come later. For me the biggest problem was not the route or the slogans but the make-up of the crowd. Overwhelmingly the crowd was working class and Mexican. Visibly missing were the white, black, Puerto Rican and just about every other shade in a fairly diverse community. It probably was the least integrated event I have ever been to in Milwaukee.
Here's an article on the AWOL Civil Rights Leadership.
1 comment:
I agree with you about not being integrated. I am of a Polish decent also and I was also there at the march. Nice blog.
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